Mission Statement

Cannabis culture is great, and in California, cannabis is almost basically de facto legal! We at 421 Review believe that the responsible use of quality cannabis is the best way to keep this positive socio-political momentum going strong.

That in mind, contributors to 421 Review aspire to objectively highlight the pros and cons of individual cannabis products, and thereby educate readers on cannabis use in ways that foster an increased understanding of cannabis and engender the habits of mature users.

421 Review hopes you will enjoy strains and products that most appropriately meet your lifestyle and desires to achieve a comfortably altered state. By giving you a heads-up on what you are getting into, strain by strain, product by product, we hope to enable cannabis use that enhances rather than interferes with your life.

As always, we must caution against combining the use of cannabis with the operation of dangerous mechanical devices -- especially motor vehicles -- and especially in combination with alcohol. If enjoying one, please abstain from the other.

Further, as a precaution against the known health risks of smoking cannabis, we advocate in favor of achieving intoxication through a vaporizer or the ingestion of edible cannabis products. Your airways will not suffer under these methods, exposure to carcinogens will be significantly reduced, and your buzz will remain or even rise to new heights.

We promise.

Of course, if you happen upon some really good cannabis, bongs and blunts are certainly cool for the occasional tokefest.

Legalize it, and keep cannabis culture alive!
