Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Ogre's fluffy pillows of indoor Indica give a body high as crisp as its citrus scent.

And that pretty much sums it up.

As girls say when describing a boring date to his friends, "He's... nice?"

Further along those lines, I also thought of a few reasons why they could easily call the strain "Shrek": it's a quick, warm, uplifting ride that inspires a few giggles; but it's also a pretty short trip, and even multiple tries never quite takes things to the next level.

I had to go through a few bowls in the vaporizer to stay even pleasantly lit, and when I tested the ceiling on Ogre with some rips from my bubbler, I was surprised by the overall weak performance. The stone you get ten minutes in is the same stone you'll find an hour later, no matter how much you consume.

So while I did enjoy Ogre (no really, it really was a nice, precious little bud that I'm sure will make someone very happy), it's just a little soft. Ogre would, however, be an ideal selection for beginners and those who suffer from anxiety but fear over medication.

Overall Rating: Average to Good
Ideal Users: Beginners and the anxious
Ideal Method: Vaporizer; perhaps a joint 
Carrier: Vapor Room
Price: $15.27(g) ($55 eighth at 3.6g)
Date Enjoyed: 8/13/2010


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