Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sensi Star

Sensi Star is one of the more elegant strains I've experienced over the last year or so, and I was happy to start off 2010 with an eighth of such excellent cannabis.

While Sensi Star lacks the whopping body stone and marathon duration of 2007's star strain, Banana, it indeed ushers you into a velvety, La-Z Boy of an ultra mellow mind high. Light, warm sensations radiate from the cranium, providing subtle yet distinct accouterments to standard consciousness.

Presenting a crisp winter green under a dusting of frosty trichs, the buds are dense and feature bricky tufts of dark cayenne hairs. Aloof aromas of lemon, birch, and lavender combine for a lightly refreshing scent which ripens to a restrained floral tang when vaporized, a delicate spice when smoked.

Were it not for the price, I would recommend this strain for all using or interested in using cannabis. It is not economical; however, the mind enjoys great flexibility while suffering essentially no overt let alone overpowering anxiety. Sensi Star thus goes highly recommended for those suffering from bouts of anxiety, or for those who tend towards the skittish or paranoid with most cannabis experiences.

For the hard core hedonist, when smoked intensely, Sensi Star and some favored music will have you and your walls breathing with the beat. But the rest of us don't have to go there to enjoy its range of offerings.

Overall Rating: Excellent
Recommended Users: Almost anyone, except those who demand a strong body stone.
Recommended Method: Vaporize for crisp, tangy flavors and relaxation. Blunt for tingly tongues and a ride inside (However you want to interpret that).

Carrier: Not Listed
Price: $16.6667(g) ($60 eighth at 3.6g)
Date Enjoyed: 1/12/2010


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